Best NBN Internet Plans for Business. Booster your Internet for NBN with High Speed Super Fast Internet for Business in Australia Smartcom
24 February 2022

Super Fast Internet Business NBN & Fibre

The increasing demand for Business fibre and NBN internet has been the catalyst for change in regard to organisations reviewing the status quo of their current internet set-up. Whereas a symmetrical NBN internet connections (ie; nbn 50/20 or nbn 100/40) may have been sufficient for many businesses pre Covid 19, many businesses have since outgrown these internet connection speeds, and as a result, they now now seek high speed, super fast internet plans that can booster their business capabilities in Australia. (Click Here for NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

Business NBN Internet Asymmetrical Connections 

Asymmetrical business NBN internet connections have disparate download and upload speeds. The fastest asymmetrical nbn internet connection being an NBN 100/40 ie; 100 Mbps download and 40 Mbps upload speed.

Importantly, asymmetrical services delivered as a ‘best effort’ service, and hence the speed to your site  is reliant on whether the service is delivered over fibre optic cable or copper – with fibre optic connections likely to deliver the maxiumum speed over copper. (Click Here for NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

Business NBN asymmetrical Internet services remain ideal for many small business – as they provide ample internet speeds at an affordable price – in particular if a business has a low demand for uploading data. However, businesses that are experiencing growth, are likely to quickly out grow asymmetrical NBN internet connections sooner than later. (Click Here for NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

Super Fast Symmetrical Internet Connections 

In a nutshell, symmetrical fibre including NBN connections have identical download and upload speeds. For instance a 400/400 Mbps delivers 400 Mbps download speed, and equally 400 Mbps of upload speed.

With a symmetrical business Internet connection, organisations gain greater capacity to upload files faster – indeed, as fast as you’re able to downlaod files. (Click Here for Super Fast NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

This additional capacity can make an enormous difference to productivity, with businesses being able to access files with immediacy, and indeed the internet in general. Likewise, a symmetrical internet connection will migate the chance of dropped phone calls on your cloud based Hoasted PBX.

The above is particularly relevant, when considering the rapid and expodential growth of cloud services in the business sector, whereby the Internet is increasingly the lifeblood of organisations. (Click Here for Super Fast NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

Avert Congestion with Super Fast Internet 

With the increasing use of the internet, asymmetrical connections are subject to contention issues in some locations – in particular during peak times. As a result, more and more companies using asymmetrical connections ie; NBN 100/40, are likely to experience declines in internet speeds. (Click Here for Super Fast NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

On the other hand a symmetrical fibre or NBN internet connection is a dedicated service. As a result, uploads and downloads are partitoned at your site, and hence not affected by other businesses and residences in the area. (Click Here for Super Fast NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

‘Best Fit’ Business NBN Internet 

Choosing the ‘best-fit business internet connection will depend largely on your internet usage in both the short and long term.

Asymmetrical NBN Internet

Asymmetrical NBN Business Internet connections ie; NBN 50/20 or NBN 100/40 are more than sufficient for most small business environments. In addition to the above speeds, there are also new services recently released such as 250/25, which for little extra cost, you can double you download speed from an NBN 100/40.

Priced at only $89 ex GST a month for a 50/20 connection, NBN asymetrical connections are incredibly good value for money. (Click Here for NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

Super Fast Symmetrical Fibre & NBN Enterprise Ethernet

As symmetrical fibre and NBN Enterprise Ethernet has the same upload as download speed, symmetrical services typically have a guaranteed speed. As a result, mid-sized to larger organisations are likely to benefit from these high speed NBN internet and fibre connections in Australia – with speeds such as a 100/100 or 400/400, or even 1000/1000. These connections are perfect for organisations that rely heavily on the internet to deliver cloud applications, collaboration tools, video conferencing, remote, multi-site and multi-location workplaces. Above all, symmetrical allow businesses to scale-up operations as a matter of course. Symmetrical speeds can also be increased in no time at all by making contact with Smartcom Support. (Click Here for Super Fast NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

Business-Grade Routers 

To gain high-performance from your high speed nbn internet and fibre connection, the choice of modem (router) is important, if you consider its primary roll is to effciently manage data throughout your network in Australia. Smartcom has a range of standard business grade modems for both asymmetrical NBN internet connections and symmetrical fibre and NBN Enterprice Ethernet. Alternatively, seek advise from your IT support personnel.

Future Proof your Business with Super Fast Internet

The expedential growth of cloud technology, eCommerce and the Internet of Things (IoT) has quickly lead to many organisations to reassess their internet strategy and as a result adopt symmetrical internet connections as a means of keeping pace with a changing marketplace, and of course to gain competitive advantage.

Collaboration tools that incoporate video and video streaming are hungry for data, and hence also the appeal of symmetrical fibre or symmetrical NBN internet connections. (Click Here for Super Fast NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

Business Internet Plan Considerations

Key business considerations when choosing the best high speed nbn internet business plan in Australia that will have sufficient speed for your business, includes the following;

  1. the type of NBN Internet connection or Fibre available at your site
  2. Static IP provided with the Business Internet connection
  3. Number of Users
  4. Number of cloud-based applications in operation
  5. whether a Hosted PBX is in operation
  6. Voice & Data Usage & Management
  7. Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning considerations

In regard to asymmetrical NBN, there are several different types of NBN Internet connections;

  1. Fibre to the Premises (FTTP): A pure fibre connection running all the way from the exchange to your property, offering very fast internet speeds.
  2. Fibre to the Node (FTTN): Fibre cables run from the local exchange to a street cabinet or pole, after which information is carried over traditional copper cabling. The shorter the distance between the node and property, the faster the internet connection.
  3. Hybrid Fibre Cable (HFC): An NBN hybrid fibre-coaxial (HFC) connection is used where the existing pay TV or cable network forms the final part of the NBN network connection.
  4. Fixed Wireless: NBN installs radio base stations, just like the ones used for mobile phones, and then hooks up an antenna and a fixed modem at the property. (Click Here for Business NBN Internet Plans)

Static IP Address

In short, a static IP Adresses is a business imperative for high speed nbn internet and fibre connections in Aaustralia. See below for an explanation of the two types of IP Addresses; Static & Dynamic.

  1. Static IP Address: is a fixed (unchanging) IP address for your NBN Internet connection – which is critical for cloud applications such as a cloud based Hosted PBX. A static IP address is also a useful security feature; in that it can provide added protection from hackers who want to access your phones, accounting and banking applications.
  2. Dynamic IP Address: is an IP address that periodically changes. This is not considered a business-grade solution, and best to used in a residential environment only. For instance, a dynamic IP address cannot be used as a means of security authentication. It also makes it harder to host applications such as websites, email or a cloud based Hosted PBX.  It can also cause routing problems making it harder for customers to reach you. (Click Here for NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)

NBN Internet Speed Consistency 

Actual NBN Internet speeds may vary due to several factors, including:

  1. Type/source of content being downloaded
  2. Hardware/software configuration
  3. Type of NBN Internet technology
  4. The number of simultaneous users on the network
  5. The performance of interconnecting infrastructure not operated by Smartcom

(Click Here for NBN Internet & Fibre Plans)





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